All you need to know about Outgoing Global Volunteer.
Outgoing Global Volunteer team is responsible for creating local strategies on converting opens to applicants, applicants to accepted and accepted to approved, decrease the process time at the local level between the customer flow stages.
As a member of this Front Office unit, you need to have a good understanding of the product(GV) and also know how to manage a goal orientation. EXPA is the platform where AIESEC members use to manage the Exchange Participants (EP).
Both teams shall track on applicants, developing the EP Flow to assure growth in conversion, create a concept of promo offline and online when needed, collaborate with Marketing and PR department in order to create intern campaigns and last, but not least, to have a cool journey in the organisation.
Customer support at all stages of the process
IR Partner support (HE) at all stages of the process
Guarantee through co-delivery the delivery of the 16 Standards
Potential customer raising through offline promo
Promote IR partners projects
Alignment over NPS and Standards survey
Tracking of customers
Conversational English knowledge
Calendar management
Effective communication
Accounting (keeping track of customers) knowledge
Basic sales skills
All you need to know about Incoming Global Volunteer.
iGV is the department that handles all that is related starting from attracting EPs for our local projects (like ENable and SHAPE Moldova), raising Enablers, the delivery of EP servicing to getting to the Complete status.
Customer support at all stages of the process
IR Partner support (SE) at all stages of the process
Guarantee through co-delivery the delivery of the 16 Standards
EP interview
VISA application
Conversational English knowledge
Calendar management
Effective communication
Accounting (keeping track of customers) knowledge
Get directions on whether to run or not discounts for our products
All you need to know about Talent Management.
The TM department is reponsible for our dear members. The role of Talent Management is predicting the outcomes, diagnosing problems and prescribing actions on the people side that will bring value to the organization.
TM is about getting, developing and keeping the right people in AIESEC to ensure achievement of the organizational goals. Main KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) therefore relate to how our entity/membership are achieving the organization’s goals in TM are of GET, Develop and Keep.
Because TM has a lot of freaking things to know, below are the main things to know.
Recruiting new members in AIESEC
Implementation of the motivation system in AIESEC
Development of members through human resources tools
Evaluation of members' performances
Evaluation of the level of involvement of the members in the organization
Making sure that members are achieving their goals
Goal setting for members
Tracking and Reporting of Membership Experience
Onboarding Tracking of New Members
Basic use of Google Sheets
Organization, attention to detail
Recruitment, selection and induction understanding
Good interaction with the members
Sandards and Satisfaction for the iGV folks
All you could ever want can be found here: https://aiesechub.squarespace.com/aiesec-hub/standards
Sandards and Satisfaction for the oGV folks
All you could ever want can be found here: https://aiesechub.squarespace.com/aiesec-hub/standards
All you need to know about the marketing content creation process.
Marketing & PR is the department where the content creation happens. Most probably you were attracted in our organisation by some material that was undoubtedly crested by this team.
The department is split in two teams: one responsible of PR Communication and the X Promo team.
Both teams are required to have at least an intermediate proficiency in each of the next Marketing areas/tools: Social Media management, channeling, copywriting, graphic design, video production, printing standards. Communication skills and good AIESEC brand knowledge will be mandatory for survival in here.
XPromo team is responsible for ensuring the full implementation of the outgoing and incoming exchange programs promotion campaign. They strive to achieve the numbers of exchanges which has been set by the oGV and iGV departments.
Analysis of local market and past data to create local marketing strategy (meaning: market segmentation and concept the way of approaching our target);
Establishes 2 promotion campaigns plan for Outgoing and Incoming Global Volunteer in coordination with the LCVP MKT&PR and according to the oGX and iGV departments realization goals;
Creates outgoing and incoming EP experience showcasing plan and assures its implementation;
Ensure the implementation of the campaigns;
Participates at content creation;
Manages the LC social media accounts during the campaign;
Updates ongoing the Marketing Database with promotional materials;
Ensure the correct brand and sub-brands implementation.
PR team is responsible for internal and external communication of the organization. They develop a PR plan, directly managing communication activities that promote, enhance, and protect the organization’s brand reputation. Also, the team will create an activity plan for the internal communication with LC and Alumni.
Analysis of local market to create local marketing strategy (meaning: market segmentation, audience targeting, competitors analysis);
Establishes a PR plan according to the MKT&PR department realization goals;
Continuous communication with mass-media representatives;
Participates at content creation;
Manages the LC social media accounts;
Updates ongoing the Marketing Database with promotional materials;
Ensure the correct brand and sub-brands implementation;
Come up with ideas regarding internal and external communication activities;
Responsible of the education on branding for AIESEC members;
Responsible for the texts and other branded materials which exits the organization;
Creates internal newsletters each 2-3 months with the LC activity and updates.
During the interview or immediately after he/she is accepted the EP should be announced about the visa process, if he/she needs invitation or/and visa.
of countries whose citizens require invitations for obtaining an entry visa to the Republic of Moldova
Resortisanții statelor:
Republica Islamică Afganistan
Republica Algeriană Democratică şi Populară
Republica Populară Bangladesh
Burkina Faso
Republica Camerun
Republica Ciad
Republica Congo
Republica Democratică Congo
Republica Coasta de Fildeş
Republica Populară Democratică Coreeană (Coreea de Nord)
Republica Arabă Egipt
Statul Eritreea
Republica Ghana
Republica Indonezia
Regatul Haşemit al Iordaniei
Republica Islamică Iran
Republica Irak
Republica Libaneză
Republica Liberia
Republica Mali
Republica Islamică Mauritania
Regatul Maroc
Republica Federală Nigeria
Republica Niger
Republica Islamică Pakistan
Republica Sierra Leone
Republica Federală Somalia
Republica Sudan
Republica Arabă Siriană
Republica Tunisiană
Republica Yemen
Republica Sudanul de Sud
If the EP needs invitation, we need to apply for it at the Bureau of immigration and asylum of Moldova. The invitation comes in 10-15 working days. For this the EP should send us the following documents:
A copy of your passport (plus a copy of the visas or exits from your country if you have any)
A confirmation that you are a student (a copy of your degree if you finished studies)
A bank account extract (to prove that you have the necessary resources to live during your stay in Moldova) in Eglish, at least 1000€ on it or to ensure that he/she has 30€ for each day of stay, Ex: 30x45 days=1350 EURO. Do it at the end. Because it is valid just 10 days.
Confirmation letter from Vice President oGV (to prove that you passed AIESEC selection process, we send you an example)
Acceptance note (this is more for us, to be sure that are coming, we send you the template)
Copy of your volunteering certificates (if you have any)
The visa process has two parts, getting an invitation and applying for the visa itself, which you will do online. First, you need an invitation from Migration Office for applying for visa. For this you need to send us a copy of your passport (plus a copy of the visas or exits from your country if you have any), a copy of the confirmation that you're a student and a copy of your bank account extract (to prove that you have the necessary resources to live during your stay in Moldova,if you don't have one, use your parent's one,plus a copy of their passport or a letter that they agree to give you money),and a copy of the confirmation from Vice President OGX to confirm that you passed AIESEC selection(I will send you an example of it), acceptance note (I will email the template for you to complete it), Copy of your volunteering certificates (if you have any) We apply for invitation and wait at least 10 working days for getting it and then comes application for visa, which you will do online on this link: http://evisa.gov.md. So please send us the documents as fast as possible because as you can see the process takes some time, so we have to assure that you will get your visa before the project starts.
If the EP has the resident’s permit or valid Visa issued by one member state of the European Union or of the States Parties to the Schengen Agreement he doesn’t need an invitation.
Documents needed to apply for invitation: (For VP ICX or LCP)
Demers de solicitare;
Demers pentru eliberarea vizei;
Scan al pașaportului invitatului + toate vizele sau ieșirile din țară pe care le are;
Extrasul bancar al EPului (dacă el nu-l are prezentam extrasul bancar al @);
Confimarea a faptului ca e student;
Confirmation Letter de la EP manager;
Acceptance note;
Copia certificatelor de voluntariat;
Angajament de cazare (booking la un hotel);
Copia certificatului de înregistrare a organizației;
Copia extrasului privind faptul că tu ești președinte;
Un document în care scrii toate activitățile pe care le va avea el aici și el subsemnează; (timed JD)
Buletinul președintelui
Buletinul persoanei ce aplica
Procura din partea președintelui pe numele persoanei de depune documentele
90 lei
After we get the invitation we scan it and send to the EP. With the code from the invitation he applies for the visa at the following link: http://evisa.gov.md/VisaFile/Inregistrare . After this a code comes to his email and with that code he applies for visa.
Additional documents the EP will need for the visa application:
A photo
Travel document (passport) issued in the past 10 years, valid for at least 3 months beyond the intended date of leaving the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
Medical insurance (minimum cover of 30.000 euro)
Travel tickets both ways
Accomoddation proof (here you complete Anexa 3)
Bank account extract (at least 30 EUR per day)
Invitation issued by the Bureau for Migration and Asylum or, the resident’s permit or valid Visa issued by one member state of the European Union or of States Parties to the Schengen Agreement
5. If the EP needs only visa, he/she can apply by the following link:
6. Some useful information about visa:
Visa type: Type C ; Number of entries: 1, Period of time: 50 days, In the visa application put the same contacts for accommodation as in the Anexa 3 (Confirmare de cazare), check every information the EP introduced, also be very attentive at the documents, the photo and other copies should be clear, the information should be readable, if it is written with a different alphabet it should be translated in english too.
Very important: If the EP was refused, you call at the Ministry of External Affairs and ask for the reason, after you find the reason you make necessary changes and the EP can apply again without paying!! (when he is at the page for paying, he should choose another option, for example that he has a diplomatic passport, after this, in the first field for documents he should upload the bill for paying last time he applied.)
For any questions about the visa (why the EP was refused, if you need the visa to be open faster etc.) call this number: 0 22 201046- Relatii cu publicul MAEIE or (+373 22) 788 722 (Centrul de Apel / Relaţii cu Publicul) 0 800-90-990 (apel gratuit doar de pe număr fix din RM)
Necessary documents foreigner should present at border crossing point:
- a printed eVisa;
- a travel document (passport);
- a copy of the invitation, as well as other supporting documents according the purpose of the visit;
- medical health insurance for the period of stay in the Republic of Moldova.
Wish you good luck!
of foreigners who are obliged to possess VISA for Republic of Moldova
All you need to know about Business Development.
Business Development is the department responsible for raising and maintaining the contact with our partners with activities ranging from cold calls to GT sales.
Prospecting and qualification of leads
Schedule meetings with companies to conduct sales
Attraction and sales to partners: approach, meetings and follow-ups
Partner Relationship Management (CRM maitainance)
Attending networking events
ICX knowldge
Data analysis
Effective communication
Organized and analytical competences
Negotiation skills
All you need to know about Finance and Legal Assistance.
Finance and Legal is the department that is responsible for the delivery of the 6 Finance Standards through condicting auditing, accounting, budget management and sustainability planning.
Financial and legal management
Planning and alignment of the financial target with the operational goal
Financial and legal audit
Tracking of contract audit
Compendium tracking
GFB survey
Control and analysis of cash flow
Financial information management
Reporting of the financial situation
Data driven analysis
Attention to detail
Understanding operations (exchange)
Basic knowledge about finances
All you need to know about the Local Trainers Team.
We stand for „Learning Things Together”!
The Local Trainers Team is one of the things that make our LC unique in the whole AIESEC network. This is (surprisingly) a team that is responsible for the learning process in the organization and aims to improve the experience of the members. In collaboration with TM, they establish the needs of the Committee regarding education and try to deliver the required information in the most accessible way for it's people.
LTT’s main activities:
Preparation Weekend - A set of induction trainings for the new members to accustom them with the AIESEC culture, vision and history;
Team Buildings - Educative group activities that aim to improve the bonding between members and their ability to work in groups;
LTT internship - A 6 week training program for those that want to improve their public speaking and delivery skills;
Train the Trainers in the office - A two-day conference with advanced trainings on delivery skills for those who want to become trainers;
iLearns - Short learning points during LC meetings that can cover any interesting topic or useful skills.
LTT structure
LTT is managed by the Local Trainers Team Coordinator, that is also an Executive Board member. To become part of the team, an AIESEC member must pass an exam, which implies delivering a training in front of the team and being evaluated according to some specific criteria. Members from any department are eligible to take this exam, but it is mandatory for them to pass LTT internship and attend a TtTO conference.
The most important thing about the Trainers Team is that there are no ex-members. Once in LTT - forever in LTT.