National Education Cycle for a big brain!
Lead your team like a literal and figurative BOSS
How does AIESEC enable companies to reach their potential employees
Employer branding is simply how companies market their brand to desired job seekers. They do this by showcasing their organization’s unique cultural differentiators, and then working to amplify them so they can position themselves as a top place to work. An employer brand includes the market’s perception of the company as an employer, but also describes the promise (or employee value proposition) to employees in exchange for their experience, talents, contacts, or skills.
Access to young, diverse talents with volunteering experience & leadership skills
Positioning as social responsible employer who supports youth
Brand Exposure
Revenue generator
Supports employability of youth & enabling AIESECers to get interested in working in purposeful organizations
Can be used as an “entry-product” to then move to exchange related products
Associates AIESEC with strong brand
YouthSpeak Forum Workshops
Capacity Building Workshops/Functional Tracks
Branded Spaces
Partnership Days
Gala Nights
MCP Elections
Employer Branding Campaign
Global Volunteer Scholarship for Youth
Global Entrepreneur Scholarship for Youth
Global Volunteer Scholarship for employees
Global Entrepreneur Scholarship for employees
Finally learn what your Team Leader means when he/she is talking about Team Standards implementation
First of all, to clarify, this is the first time that we're teaching Team Standards to all of AIESEC in Moldova's members. We're doing this because we believe that if everyone in the network would know what the heck Team Standards are, we are for once going to complete all of them in one Team Leader cycle.
Second, if you didn't hear about Team Standards from your Team Leader (TL) yet, please report him/her to the MC so this mistake will not happen twice (we're joking of course, but please let your LCVP or LCP know if your TL is not doing his/her job so we can better learn how to support your TL), and if, in the events that you don't have a Team Leader, please report that IMMEDIATELY to your LCVP and you will be assigned one.
In order for Team Standards to be delivered, there has to be a team, logical, right? By AIESEC standards (ha, get it, because we're talking about Team Standards), a team consists of 1 Team Leader and at least 2 Team Members and their experience as a team has to span for at least 2 months.
A team from its inception till its disbandment goes through a series of phases:
and through each phase the TL has to deliver certain activities and experiences so the team has the best possible performance and fun. That's basically what Team Standards are: a list of things and how those things should happen during the existence of a team in AIESEC so both the experiences of the Team Leaders and Team Members are great.
This is the first phase and it happens right after the team is created.
In this phase people start to work together and understand who is in the team, what the team is about and what it’s set to achieve together, and what’s their individual contribution.
It usually lasts for a few weeks and it comprises of (but is not limited to):
defining team rules
defining the team purpose
setting strategies for the team term
assigning JDs (Job descriptions) to everyone in the team
creating individual development plans
If the Building phase could be called the appetizer of Team Standards (imagine some grassini al prosciutto crudo, click on the link to get an idea of what I mean), the Performing phase is the meat and potatoes, the big course, the borș de casă. This is where the magic happens and is the longest lasting phase of the 3.
This is where the progress can be improved and tracked both for the team and individually. It’s where operations actually happen and where competence are developed on site.
The main things happening during this phase are:
actually doing the job from your JD (yeah I know, surprising)
team meetings
one-on-one meetings
performance reviews
team working days
team days (aka team buildings)
feedback spaces
And we're finally getting to dessert. Another short phase which I'm sure you guessed from its name is the last one.
In this phase teams and individual debrief on the experience in terms of development and results, and suggest next steps. This is the stage when transition happens.
It also lasts for a few weeks and it comprises of:
knowledge and skills transition (if it makes sense to do that)
documents and tools transition
personal development plan review
goodbye tears
Understanding the key elements of making a proposal which sells.
A product proposal is simply a written plan meant to convince another party of the viability of the product you plan to sell. Writing a selling product proposal requires a significant amount of time, research and planning. You also have to learn about the person or company you want to pitch, whether it is a distributor or a retailer.
You may wonder why you’d need a proposal when wooing a potential client. Isn’t a quick email with just the pricing included enough? Sometimes your sales proposal is the only thing that differentiates you from the competition, so it’s important to create a professional proposal. You want to show that you’ve done your research on your potential client and that you have solutions that will benefit him or her. A proposal is all about standing out!
The key towards proposal creation is asking and answering the right questions.
You should start with understanding the client:
What do I know about the project?
Why are they outsourcing these services?
What is their plan?
What do they want/need?
Then ask yourself:
Can I solve that problem? What makes us qualified to create a solution for them?
How can AIESEC provide a solution to their needs?
How can I make AIESEC valuable by creating a solution to their problem?
How can I specifically present what we offer as a solution to their problem?
1st TIP
Write succinctly - there are some individuals who thrive on writing as much verbiage as they can fit in on the paper. This is a no-no in proposal writing. Basically, you need to be to-the-point because readers have little time and patience for fluff. Minimize the use of jargon and run-on sentences as well, even if you’re writing a creative design proposal.
2nd TIP
Start with the big picture: when someone takes your proposal into their hands, they don’t know what to expect. It is highly recommended for you to start with the big picture. Give them an overview of your ideas to get them interested and then drill down from there. Also, keep in mind that if you want to create proposals that will be read from start to finish, the content should flow smoothly. Everything should logically move forward.
3rd TIP
Counter possible arguments: The proposal, at its core, is a refined and personalized brochure. When you create proposals, it should put you and/or your company at the best possible light. Think of the reasons why the client might decline your pitch. Is your service too expensive? Are there better-placed competitors? Assess these obstacles and come up with reasons why choosing you is still the best option for them.
4th TIP
Display your personal style: in today’s competitive landscape, customization can go a long way. Research consistently shows that hiring managers are choosing contractors that show great potential and personality. When they see your enthusiasm for the task, they are more inclined to hire you over others. Never be boring. This is a rule of thumb you should adopt when you create proposals from now on.
5th TIP
Start using graphics: images can be meaningful. As they say, “a picture can paint a thousand words” and this saying is true in the case of business proposals. Instead of giving clients boring facts and statistics, you can say the same message in the form of images and even infographics. Be smart in using graphics though and don’t overdo it.
Now, you are ready to get those raises!
Learn everything you need to know about being an amazing and knowledgeable AIESEC member
Welcome to the first part of the National Educational Cycle!
We recommend you read the material for each chapter and then take the test. But if you want to go with the hardcore option you could read all of the chapters and take all of the tests, if you do decide on the latter: may the AIESEC gods have mercy on your soul!
Instructions how to use National Educational Cycle: - There are 6 topics, each topic has one or two links to articles you have to read and the quiz. - You have to go through articles and after that to come back to the main page which name is ”General Knowledge” and fill the quiz or you can do it directly at the bottom of every article that's part of the NEC Spring 2020. Be proactive, and we hope you will enjoy it!
Everything you need to learn to become a department specialist.
Welcome to a second part of the National Education Cycle!
In the Functional part of the NEC you will learn everything about your department. We prepared amazing articles, materials, and of course your favorite QUIZZES, many QUIZZES! We hope that you will enjoy learning more functional stuff about the department you are performing in. Also, if you want to be the GURU of AIESEC Knowledge you can go through materials and quizzes of other departments but take into consideration that first, you have to finish NEC of your department.
Instructions for Functional NEC
Find your department and click on it.
You will see different topics and quizzes.
Go through each topic where you will find articles/materials, read carefully, and pay attention to details.
Fill the quizzes.
DEADLINE for submitting the Functional NEC of your department is 5 July.
A primer on the top sales methodologies and ways to integrate them into a sales plan or strategy
Why is it important to follow a sales methodology?
A good methodology is the backbone of successful sales in organizations or companies. It provides sales representatives (sales reps) and managers with a repeatable, scalable and predictable way of operating that ultimately determines the organization’s ability to achieve process maturity and improve win rates.
It is a sales theory developed through a research study made by Huthwaite Inc. This research of about 35,000 sales calls, showed that the buyers tend to strongly believe in the product when they see it on their own as a solution for some problem they have.
The seller makes the customer reflect and conclude by themselves that they need the product.
The customer is triggered to know more about the product and the chances to buy it increases.
IMPORTANT! Rather than telling prospects why purchasing a product or service is a good idea and what the impact would be, the goal of the S.P.I.N. sell is to guide prospects to these realizations on their own.
The main objective of this phase for a seller is to learn more about the prospect’s current situation, meaning these all what is related to: Resources, Process, and Results.
How does your current personnel recruitment process work?
How has been the company’s experience for the year?
How is the process of global expansion in the organization?
What are the employee profiles that you are looking for?
REMEMBER that this phase is crucial for you to see a 360° view of where they are. Otherwise, you won’t understand their pains versus your average customers' or their immediacy.
At this stage, you must identify potential areas of opportunity. In other words: what gap isn’t being filled yet, and where is the prospect dissatisfied? They may be unaware they have a problem, so delve into the common places your solution adds value through questions that can help them figure out the missing pieces.
What is the biggest difficulty you have to attract the right people?
What are the biggest difficulties with moving beyond borders?
Which country or part of the world is more difficult to relate to or to expand in terms of market knowledge?
What have you tried doing in the past to solve your problem?
Once you’ve identified an issue, figure out how serious it is. Implication questions reveal the depth and magnitude of your prospect’s pain point; this way, they reach for the solution rather than you pushing it. Simultaneously giving you valuable information for customizing your message and instilling urgency in the buyer.
How do these difficulties affect the results you're looking for?
How do these difficulties affect the organization’s growth? In delivering projects? In any other areas?
Which consequences do you see coming because of this challenge?
Need-Pay off questions encourage the prospect to explain your product’s benefits in their own words, which is far more persuasive than listening to you describe those benefits. These questions focus on the value, importance, or utility of the solution.
If you could do <activity> in half the time, would that make it easier to meet your deadlines?
How could a profile with <characteristics> or <understanding> of the market contribute in marketing, operations or other areas of the company?
Do you think solving <problem> would significantly impact you in <some way>?
NOTE! Make sure your Need-Pay off questions don’t highlight issues your product can’t solve. For instance: if you help corporate recruiting teams identify potential engineering candidates, you shouldn’t ask about the impact of hiring better marketers.
In order for S.P.I.N. Selling to be effective, it requires to follow an efficient CRM solution. For that you can do the following:
As you gather data throughout your questioning, you need to record it so that can be instantly retrieved, as you make your way through the sales cycle.
The answers to your S.P.I.N. questions fall into one of the steps of your sales process. Your CRM solution should exactly mirror your sales process so the answers fall into the same places, every time.
Your sales process stages should be mapped out as precisely as possible, with the S.P.I.N. questions that should be asked in each stage, the answers that need to be obtained in each stage, and the buyer and seller actions laid out that will result in the sale moving to the next stage.
This is a framework that is focused on understanding the prospect, getting information in front of the right people and providing them with a compelling reason to buy your product by the time expected. N.E.A.T. stands for: core needs, economic impact, access to authority, and timeline (compelling event).
It is a very useful guide on what sales professionals should bear in mind when speaking with potential clients.
The developers based it from their experience in the field and years of observing and working with inside sales professionals in all types of sales organizations.
This is typically represented by focusing on features and benefits of the solution itself, aka surface pains. What our customers want is for us to understand their core pains. This means understanding why solving the pain matters to them both as individuals and as an organization.
We, as salespeople, should delve deeply into the prospect’s challenges. This will lead us to learn about the needs of the potential client and their pain points to find out whether they would benefit from our product or not.
The core objective of this methodology isn’t about proving your ROI to the prospect. Instead, it’s simply about helping the prospect understand the economic impact of their current situation combined with the economic opportunity based on implementing a solution. After all, everything has a price, and at some point, the economic pain will be great enough to tip the scales in your favor.
Therefore, your role should be to help the buyer understand the economic impact they’re currently on track to realize versus the impact they’ll see if they make a change.
According to the latest studies, the average purchasing decision actually involves five people, all of whom may be decision influencers and decision makers. This is often referred to as the "Consensus Buying Cycle".
This phase guides you towards learning about the time frame of the sale and putting together a timeline for when the sale can take place.
Always deliver more than expected!
Welcome iGV, people, so glad to see you here!
Do we REALLY have to discuss this? Maybe if you are from another department and you got lost in the multiple of articles that we provide here for your better understanding of AIESEC but to be serious, you have to know what iGV is as well 😁.
iGV ( Incoming Global Volunteer) - assumes that we facilitate as hosts (thats why we are also called a Host Entity as iGV) a volunteer experience for people/foreigners that are coming to our country. iGV is the department that is responsible for EPs experience from Open to Complete (you'll get to know about this later).
EP attraction
EP Support during all the phases of the experience
IR Partner Communication and Support
EP interview
Enablers rising
Cover through co-delivery the delivery of all 16 Strandards
Help with VISA process
Servicing Plan
It's waiting for you:
If you used to think that BD stands for Big Deal, you are not entirely wrong!
As a concept, Business Development can be defined as the sum of ideas, initiatives and activities aimed towards making a business better. This includes increasing revenues, growth in terms of business expansion, building strategic partnerships, and making strategic business decisions.
I’m so glad you asked! The role of BD inside AIESEC has historically linked to the idea of ensuring financial sustainability to our Global & National Offices, as a parallel source of incomes besides our regular operations. This department allows us to partner big and like-minded organization with resources to invest in our projects or initiatives. With this idea, we can avoid the perception of it as a source of incomes and, start seeing it as an Amplifier of Our Operations (Exchange Experiences) - in the end, it's all about the exchange.
There are three main components that form the base of business development: Markets - Customers - Relationships
In order to grow a business beyond its current state, it is important to focus on one or more of these areas. The type of business and the direction of growth determines where the focus is placed.
Those involved in business development need to come up with creative, yet realistic ideas. All you need in order to succed are: a working concept, an open mindset, willingness for an honest self-assessment, and the ability to accept failures.
Since business development involves high-level decision making, the business developer should remain informed about the following:
1. The current state of the business in terms of SWOT analysis:
2. Competitor developments - Assuming that you have competitors, you should be aware of who might come with similar proposals to the companies you intend to approach.
3. The customer profile - You don't want to make a partnership with anyone, in the same way as not any company would be interested in collaborating with you. You need to know certainly who is your target.
4. New domains/products/sectors eligible for business expansion - Surprisingly, Business Development involves Business Expansion.
5. The current state of the overall industry and growth projections - First things first, know where you come from and what you can offer. Then, be sure to inform yourself about the potential partners, what are their needs that you can cover or the problems you might have a solution for.
6. New and unexplored market opportunities
7. The long-term view, especially with the regards to the initiatives being proposed - Every partnership is a contribution to the future of the organization, therefore our long-term plan must be taken into consideration in order to maintain our trustworthiness.
Acquiring new SALES
Maintaining and Up-scaling alliances with existing partners
Improving and Inventing new BD products
The most important Measure of Success for us is the revenue recognized. For some entities this will mean either the amount of money on the bank account, for others the amount of money signed, or amount of money from services delivered.
Now you're almost ready to pursue your journey as a member of the BD department. Let's find out more about how do we do stuff in BD.
Take the first quiz and see if you mastered the introduction chapter on BD knowledge.
In many cases, not one person can singularly say “yes”, but any one person can say "no". Furthermore, in an cycle, many prospects don’t reach an ultimate decision until much later in the sales process. So your goal as a seller is to determine which of these five people can get you access to authority.
Yes, we are and you know why? We have our own page!!!! Can you name another department that has one? Check it here:
A practical guide to reinforce the previous knowledge regarding closing deals easier and faster
In their book "Getting to Yes: Negotiating an Agreement without Giving In" (original edition 1981, 2nd ed. 1991, 3rd ed. 2011), Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton introduced the world to the possibilities of mutual-gains negotiation, or integrative negotiation. The authors of Getting to Yes explained that negotiators don’t have to choose between either waging a strictly competitive, win-lose negotiation battle or caving in to avoid conflict.
Rather, they argued, bargainers can and should look for negotiation strategies that can help both sides get more of what they want. By listening closely to each other, treating each other fairly, and jointly exploring options to increase value, negotiators can find ways of getting to yes that reduce the need to rely on hard-bargaining tactics and unnecessary concessions.
This first principle is broken down into three subcategories:
Negotiators are people first—people who have values, cultural backgrounds, and emotions that vary by person. Getting to Yes teaches that this human aspect can be either helpful or disastrous. Negotiation can either build trust and understanding with a positive relationship established at the end, or lead to frustration or dissatisfaction.
Communication is the main aspect of negotiating. These are three common problems in communication:
Not clearly speaking with the other party, but instead attempting to impress those within one's constituency by taking a side instead of working toward a mutual agreement
Not actively listening to the other party, but instead only listening to rebut the other party's statements
Misunderstanding or misinterpreting what the other party has said.
Identify what the buyer needs and understand the buyer’s business objectives.
Some key questions to ask before starting the negotiation:
How can we ensure that you get everything you need from this deal?
What is the impact of implementing <solution, product or initiative> in your company?
What role could <AIESEC, GT or another initiative> play in the big picture for your organization?
How does this fit in your priorities?
What effect will this have on the people of your company or organization?
Get the buyer to negotiate the value of your solution, so you don’t have to negotiate your pricing.
Be genuine about your questions!
Expand the pie before dividing it.
This means that you must invent solutions advantageous and beneficial to both sides. This principle aims to help the parties find an option that will impact each party in a positive way, making both sides feel like they did not get taken advantage of during the negotiation. It is important to listen to the other party and not make a decision until both parties feel that they have clearly explained their intentions and what they want out of the conversation.
The solutions to these obstacles:
Separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them. Before brainstorming clarify the ground rules, including the no-criticism rule.
Broaden the options on the table rather than look for a single answer.
Invent ways of making their decisions easy. Rather than making things difficult for the other side, you want to confront them with a choice that is as painless as possible.
This principle is about making sure that the conversation stays on topic and that it is productive. The parties are making deals based on objective and practical criteria.
The three steps to using objective criteria are to:
Find out what the other party's intentions are.
Keep an open mind.
Never give in too pressure or threats.
Each party is in charge of keeping the other party committed to the conversation.
Learn more about BATNA here.
No method can guarantee success if all the leverage lies on the other side.
There are two methods of going about negotiating from a position of power:
Each party should protect themselves first.
Each party should make the most of the power within their own assets to negotiate and win against the opposite party.
When negotiating, the parties must resist the urge to constantly compromise for fear of completely losing the negotiation. Establishing a "bottom line" can protect the negotiator's final offer, but may limit the ability to learn from the negotiation itself and may preclude further negotiation that possibly could result in a better advantage for all parties involved.
When considering final decisions, each party may want to take a step back and consider all possible alternatives to the current offer being made.
Conceptual selling is founded on the idea that customers don’t buy a product or a service, they buy their concept of a solution that the offering represents. With that in mind, the creators urge salespeople to not lead with a pitch, but instead seek to uncover the prospect’s concept of their product and understand their decision process.
Allows the sales representative to get to know the customer at a deeper level and focus on achieving results.
Draws attention away from pricing which in turn deters the customer from going to a lower-priced competitor.
Offers a way to stand out from the competition.
The salesperson begins by listening to the prospect in order to fully understand the prospect’s concept of their problems and issues. The salesperson then relates the product or service directly to that concept.
Confirmation questions
Reaffirms the information.
New information questions
Clarifies the prospect’s concept of the product or service and explore what they’d like to achieve.
Attitude questions
Seeks to understand a prospect on a personal level, and discover their connection to the solution.
Commitment questions
Inquires about the prospect’s investment in the project.
Basic issue questions
Raises potential problems so that they can be addressed.
The quiz is based on the written article and not the video. The video's purpose is to give you some examples of the principles exemplified in the book.
The reason is simple:
Every organization runs on financial data.
And most of the data are collected in LC. If you don’t know the tools of finance, you can’t put that information to work. If you can’t even speak the language, then doing processes will not give you any data to take decisions on. And AIESEC won‘t be sustainable at all.
Ensure all Finance Standards (FS) are implemented in your LC.
Keep track of all legal requirements to ensure that the LC is operating legally.
Make sure that EPs are legally coming to volunteer or work to Moldova.
Track the financial KPIs and track LC performance.
Make sure that the LC is making enough money to pay for its expenses.
Store legal documents
Align to the GFB bookkeeping structure.
So you "spinned" and got to YES. What do we do next with those partners?
Account management is a partner-facing. Account managers typically work with a dedicated group of AIESEC partners to facilitate the achievement of the partnership’s goals.An account manager has to ensure the growth of the accounts through up-sells, understanding the partners’ needs, aligning with the core of the organization and keeping quality of work high so partners want to renew/expand contracts, ensuring growth in the AIESEC exchange products.
Clear understanding of the partnership’s scope
Ensure to have a shared vision of the partnership with the different stakeholders involved
Value the relationship aspect (partners are not only an income source)
Map out the main deliverables for the partnership’s activities included in the contract
Ensure to define clear MoS
Create reporting for the different partnership’s initiatives
Remember that as account manager, you are the face of AIESEC
Analyze if the current activities in the contract are beneficial to the achievements of the partnership scope
Remember that our partners need to support our core
Ensure that amplifier products can increase the exchange volume of your entity
Keep yourself updated about the company evolution
Build a strong network inside the company
Use different tools, like LinkedIn to explore possible AIESEC Alumni in the company
Explore new business unit needs and possible opportunity to expand the partnership
Conduct Research
Conduct a needs assessment
Create a rock-solid plan
Convert that plan into a strategic proposal
Establish a cadence for meeting and reporting
Keep the relationship crackling
Use for staying informed about company and stakeholder as well as informal communication and showcasing.
Customer Relationship Management - Use for information management and keep overview over new proposals sent and contracts signed.
Track if your emails get opened and use boomerang to remind yourself to follow up.
Get direct access to decision makers’ contacts and understand more about a business.
Attendance of physical events give you direct contact with key decision makers and stakeholders.
To keep yourself updated about news related to the company.
If you want to master the art of pitching, you've come to the right place.
I'm sure you already Googled and found many articles on how to pitch, what to do, what not to do during a sales meeting, however nothing will ever prepare you enough for what is going to come up during the meeting; every company or organization you're gonna pitch to is different, every single one of them will have different questions, doubts and objections. So with this encouraging thought in mind, let's begin.
No matter which the questions, doubts and objections there will arise, to go through any sales meeting or networking conversation successfully, you should prepare yourself by making sure that these 3 things are ready:
You are in the mental capacity to engage into a conversation (you can try the exercise from above)
Hardcore knowledge of AIESEC & our products
Understanding the business of your potential customer
Once you have these things sorted, to prepare your sales meeting or networking event pitch, make sure you:
IDENTIFY YOUR GOAL. Are you going to get a business card and later going to set a meeting or are you gonna make sale on the spot?
CAN DESCRIBE IN YOUR WORDS THE CUSTOMER’S BUSINESS. Ask a lot of questions while talking to them or have previously read about the company’s reports, vision, mission, values, strategy etc.
HAVE AN IDEA ON HOW OUR PRODUCT SOLVES THEIR "PROBLEM". Use clear statements and statistics and communicate what makes our organization, or your idea a unique solution for them
CONNECT THE DOTS. What are the exact features of the product/solution? How will the potential partner connect with the issue they have and how will our product will solve it? If they say yes: what’s next? How will you be taking it forward?
#1: Is All About Your Attitude If you are excited and confident about it, they will be as well!
#2: Reinforce Your Message Bring with you flyers, PPTs (just have one sent to you in your email, so you have it no matter the situation), branded items (pens, notebooks etc.) to leave behind.
#3: Customize Not all businesses care about the same thing, so make sure to adapt your message accordingly.
Tailoring the message to private sector, public sector and third (NGO) sector
We recommend to start the conversation by asking if they have heard or know anything about AIESEC before and in case they have ask what do they know about us. Next you will find a bullet point like guide to everything you need to know to pitch AIESEC.
We have been operating since 1948 and we've collaborating with global private, public and third sector organizations (currently with over 1,000 organizations worldwide). Try giving them a brief on the history of the organization, as it will both peak their interest about AIESEC and will give them a deeper understanding about our exchange products.
The main two reasons why we believe companies or organizations would collaborate with us are:
contributing to the youth leadership development;
access to our global leaders (that means you as well).
Think on how you can communicate our unique value proposition incorporating the items mentioned above.
We are one of the world’s largest youth run organization with over 40000 Volunteers placed in 120 countries and territories with offices in over 1000 universities. We are an organization with clearly defined values and principles; you share what they are through a personal story (which I'm sure you have), and don't forget to point out that we are an global, independent, non-political, non-for-profit, and youth-run organisation.
I'm sure that you know by now what AIESEC is and what we do, but to refresh your memory and to put it into an easy and clear statement:
We empower one of the biggest youth mobility programs with over 40000 young people mobilized from all over the world that help more than 43000 young people yearly to live practical exchange experiences in challenging environments.
You should connect this information either with concrete call to action like: “you can acquire global talent through us” or “we can help you to build your global brand through employer branding activities (both physical and digital)”. Of course you can and should come up with call to actions that suit your situation and potential partner.
Or you can refresh your memory for the longer version of the AIESEC Way by accessing the article from below.
Return of investment by ensuring and increasing retention rates of employment after the GT
Access to native speakers of languages that are harder to hire in your local market
Access to international talent with (potential) skills in: IT, management, finance, teaching etc.
University campus access to our local entities and members
AIESEC’s commitment together with UN HQs: AIESEC was the first NGO to commit on United Nations SDG initiative, and we signed the collaboration contract in headquarters in NY back in 2015
GV alignment to SDGs: Over 40000 people yearly are (well, were, before the pandemic hit) mobilized across the globe through GV contributing to SDGs
Youth4GlobalGoals: the AIESEC initiative to activate youth towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
GV Stats: Every year we run over 6500 social projects across the world, mobilizing more than 40k young people last year alone. In the past five years over 170k people volunteered abroad with us
Global Partners: Plan International, UNIDO, World Merit, Chen Yidan Foundation (please google them before you mention them to our partners, so you have a general idea what they do) among other like-minded organizations collaborate globally with us
Please fact check the numbers you're going to present! This article was last updated in May 2020, so if considerable time has passed from that, check the current statistics.
Trust and buy in from your partner won’t come from the quantity of information you provide, but actually from how capable you will be to create a dialogue and engage them into a conversation where they can envision themselves winning from being part of the partnership.
Using Simon Sinek’s "Golden Circle: Why, How and What" will guide you to better explain and organise your pitch, don’t forget to add the “who” component from the AIESEC Way.
Data is power, and in this context, data will add the power of validating and confirming our results, our reach and the huge power of our network. Pitching to organizations the number of experiences we deliver globally and our access to more than 1000 universities are stats that will never stop astonishing partners of the big potential and capacity we have as a network.
There’s no better way to earn trust from potential new partners than getting a sense of security that your current (or past) partners have had a good experience. Make sure you always have prepared 1 to 3 examples of successful projects delivered with other companies or organizations.
One of the reasons why organisations choose to partner with us is precisely because we bring the youth component. Find a way to balance “formality” without losing the young spirit of the organization and the young spirit in you, you are the product of what you are pitching! Be honest & have fun with it!
Even though is very important to have key points to highlight and a clear flow to communicate properly the messages you want to deliver, allow the conversation to flow where it emerges and be flexible enough to build upon it to achieve your goal.
Less is more, don’t try to explain the TM processes, Finance Standards, Roadmap, The BlueBook , the OD Model etc. to a partner. Internal information isn’t relevant and can generate more confusion.
Being an NGO or being a youth run organization doesn’t makes us less than the other organization we are sitting with; having a partnership implies we are both equal and we are both adding something unique to each other. Therefore no matter these differences, don’t under-price or underestimate during your speech the achievements and stats the organization can bring to the table.
Acronyms are super useful inside the organization, however for externals are hard to comprehend.
We can get quite passionate and inspired about what we do as an organization, but still don’t forget that to keep it highly professional. You should be capable to translate our passion and mainly our impact into business language.
All you need to know about raising money for AIESEC
We don't select our projects with, learn about SDG alignment, and why we need a timeline!
Today we'll lear more about the SDGs, yes, those colourful squares that are 17 i total. Are you familiar with them or I should start from the biginning? Fiiiiiiineeee! The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030. AIESEC has aligned its programs with the SDGs in 2015. In 2018, the aim is to run Flagship programs focused on Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Responsible Consumption.
SDG Alignment is a practice follow by many organizations, companies and businesses working in the development sector or looking to implement sustainable practices. It is the process of aligning their business or organizational core and practices with SDG targets, ensuring their contribution to the global goals in their daily practices.
For AIESEC, being SDG aligned means that all our Global Volunteer experiences contribute to the SDGs and that we can measure the impact of the projects after they finish. If our GV projects are not SDG aligned, then they are not an AIESEC program.
AIESEC hereby declares to embrace and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by mobilizing and developing young leaders who create awareness, foster engagement and take action to implement these goals.
Find more in the document below:
Global Projects are some Good Case Practicies with different SDGs that you can check here:
A timeline is the period of time according to which an activity should happen, in AIESEC we have a timeline for all of our acctivities and for GV as well.
We align our projects to the international timeline to be able to collaborate with other countries and to get the needed amount of EPs that will cover the places for our projects. We have two peaks of Exchange which are Summer Peak (SP) and Winter Peak (WP) - here Exchange is Happening.
Open Project for SP - January - February
Customer support - February - August
Summer Peak (SP) - project happens between June and August
Open Project for WP - July - August
Customer support - August - February
Winter Peak (WP) - project happens between January and February
Off-Peak - no project, project happens from September to November or from March to May
This could be you using EXPA while chilling on a vacation this summer, but in 2020 you should #stayhome
Who is an Opportunity manager? It is the person that is responsible for a certain opportunity and has to manage all the applications, send Emails, delegate tasks and interviews so basically the Opportunity manager is your VP or TL. As an OPP Manager you have acces to all the EPs application for that opportunity, which means that you can see this persons CV, details, name, but you don't have other personal datas and the EP's email is encrypted.
This is the firs page you see when you open EXPA, if you want to see the Opportunities you manage, you go from the Dashboard to Opportunities ( the globe)
Here are some of the Opportunities that i manage and I have acces too, as you can see you can select your OPPs to be arranged by date, status, Product committee etc., also you can chose what you wanna see about your OPP, for example my selection is: OPP ID, Title, Organization, Status (For an OPP ther are three statuses: OPEN, Draft, Removed), Managers, Applicant Count, Close Date. You can select this by chosing what is the information you need to see everytime you check this page:
If you click on Applicants count, this is the page you'll be directed to, here you have more information about the OPP, you can edit it you can look for information about EP's, NPS, Standards and Satisfaction and others:
Let's Get closer to an EP profile:
This is one of our EPs from Summer 2019 and here you have access to all the information you may need about an applicant. But what about the EPs that have to be contacted? Right bellow the name you have the encrypted email and you copy that and send him the "Invitation to interview"
Here you can find the mail template that we use to contact the EPs:
Don't forget about the Signature at the end of your Email:
In case you've got a response and you have the contacts of the EP you send them to One member with all the needed Information, after the interview the member decides if the EP is Accepted or Rejected and according to this you change the EP status on EXPA:
In case you ACCEPTED the EP the next step is APPROVAL that can happen only after signing the contract with Home Entity and sending to us his Acceptance Note (you can find the AN in the iGV Approval Tracking Tool)
If you want to reject the EP, on EXPA there are several reasons of rejection and you have to chose the one that is closer to your case:
Other options different from the picture are: Position is filled, Problem with the timeline or Realization Date, Project is canceled, Required citizenship not matching, Skills are not suitable, The Background is not suitable.
Learn why is important to process EPs in a shorter time.
This is not everything I could share with you about EXPA but now you know the essentials as a future TL, don't hesitate to ask about something you dont know or understand, I promise its easier than it seems and your TL, VP and even MCVP will be glad to answer your questions!
Oh boy, Tools again!
Now that you know how to use EXPA you need to track your interviews and EPs with this Tool, there you have the Dashboard, questions, projects, AN, list of countries that need Visa or invitation and much more.
You send the Searchtool to other entities which EPs are interested in our country so they can see what projects we run and promote them to their EP's
Provide quarterly reports to the entity plenary at national conferences with recommendations on ethical issues related to the entity and local committees as well as brief updates on activities of the body
Provide consultations upon request in regards to XPP and ER Principles to all LCs and EPs
Conduct physical or virtual audit to local committees in order to ensure all operations are run in accordance with the XPP
Entity Control Board (ECB) is an entity controlling body working arbitrating cases of exchange standards and solving the problems that may apear during exchanges.
ECB is the last decision making body on national level in regards to Exchange policies and entity standard regulation principles. A division, working directly with its MC, ICB & GFB to ensure that the best Standard and Customer Experience is delivered to every customer and stakeholder in each entity.
The purpose of ECB is to make the entity more customer centric and ensure leadership development by fulfilling standards in every AIESEC product.
Newbie2Member | This is your first step into iGV Basics are you ready to open up some goodies?
Really how?
In iGV we are doing lots of interviews with EPs and we have to chose the ones that really dit the project and seem to be cool. In different entities the EP recruiting process is different, some entities can ask for a video presentation from EPs, some asks for a call interview and we are doing video interviews/video calls so we can see the instant reaction of the EPs, their english skills, their looking and behavior.
A basic interview in iGV takes up to 30 minutes, less if you see that this is not the right person for us or they can't really respond to your questions because of lack of english knowledge but it is really up to you and the EP if you want to continue the discusion after the interview.
Your Team Leader (TL) will provide you with the next information about the EP:
Name, Surname
WA (What's APP) number
Other information provided by EP
It is not that important to set the interview the same day you recieved the contacts if you can't do it that soon but is very important to contact the EP the same day.
After you recieve the contacts from your TL you must contact the EP as soon as possible with a similar text: "Hello, my name is (eg. Ion Crețu) and I'm from AIESEC in Moldova, you applied for our PROJECT X, i would like to schedule an interview with you, when are you free for it?".
Try to find the time that is convinient for both of you and dont forget about the time zone difference. In Moldova the time zone is GMT+3 when in China is GMT+8 and in Australia is GMT+10, now you can do the math and understand the time difference, it is very important to specify.
You must be friendly and patient with EPs but in case they are not responding for longer than 24 hours you have to tell your TL about that.
You can set your Interview on Google Calendar and use Google Meets to make it very easy to acces, to have a reminder 10 minutes before the interview and to make sure you won't make other plans by mistake (Small tips from your beloved MCVP Milena: using Google Calendar in your daily life an be really helpful and it will make you more organized). You can make a video call on WA, WeChat, Messenger, Skype or any other platform/app as well.
A few minutes before the interview check if the EP is online by texting him/her, get ready, open your laptop, and the document with questions in case you need to, make yourself confortable, prepare your phone to record the conversation (in case you do your interview on google meets you can record the conversation without using aditional devices, useful right?)
Then follow the flow:
Getting to know each other
Present Yourself, ask the EP to do the same
Have you ever participated in an Interview before?
EP Motivation & Expectations:
How did you find out about our project?
Why did you apply for this project, What do you know about it? (After the answer you should describe shortly the project if needed)
What is the impact that this project can bring to you? What are the skills that you are going to develop from your point of view?
What do you know about Moldova? Are there places that you want to visit?(Here you should promote the country and the project, to tell the EP about the activities and trips that we will have you can send some promo videos after the interview)
EP Experience:
How would you describe your usual day? What’s your favourite Holiday? Why? And what do you do on this day?
DO you have any Sales Experience?
Tell me one thing that makes you proud of yourself (it can be anything, starting from a good did, your behavior with people etc.)
From your point of view, what’s the biggest World Problem? how can you contribute in solving it? What’s the biggest problem of Your country?
What is your Biggest fear?
Do you have Public speaking experience? Describe your feeling when you have to speak in front of lots of people?
Free of racism/stereotypes:
Imagine that you have to work in an international team, where you don’t know each other, and people are present from 3 different continents. What kind of problems can appear? How can you solve them?
Is it ok for you to share a room with an international from another country/of another gender/nationality/religion? Explain your answer
Describe a situation when you felt uncomfortable because of other people’s behavior. What did you do and how did you react?What are the things you can’t tolerate in a person? Why?
Convince me to come to visit your country
Give me an example when you missed a deadline! What were the circumstances and how you communicated about it to others?
Imagine that you are working in a team regarding a project. 1 day before the deadline you realize by accident one of your teammates did not succeed his/her part of the work which endangers the success of your job as well. What would you do?
Tell me 3 strong points and 3 weaknesses of your personality.
This is the last question of interview and when you're done with it, ask the EP if she/he has any questions for you and in case he/she does have questions but you din't know the answer don't worry, just tell him/her that you will return with the answer once you confirm it with your VP/TL, if there is nothing more to add then Thank the EP for the interview andfor the his time and that he/she will recieve the responce about his/her acceptance in less than 24 hours. Now it's the decision time, do you accept the EP? Do you think he/she is suitable? In case you already have the Yes/No answer in your head you can anounce it to your TL and to the EP but in case you dont know if to accept or reject the EP you can consult with your TL or VP and share the recording with them.
This is almost everything you have to know about "How to Interview", once you accept the EP is recommended to keep in touch with him/her once in a while.
In this section we are going to talk about all the activities that you have to do and to know as a TL/Opportunity Manager or Oldie, this activities involves EXPA usage, Mail Usage, Communication Skills and Task Delegation. In case you plan to apply as TL, you're an oldie that wants to know how everything works or just a "I wanna know it all" member then stay with me .
How do I acces EXPA as a newie in AIESEc - you register on and then you ask your VP/TL/ VP TM to add you in the structere by giving them the email you registered with on, once you've been added you'll recieve a mail from AIESEC and you will be able to acces EXPA! HOOOORAAAAYYY! Then you can go and create your AIESEC mail which will give you 32 GB of space on drive , twice more than with an usual email, use your space wisely, we've got a lot of tools.
First you have to call, obviously don't wait for the EP to call you or join the Meet (yes, it's about Google Meets again ). Then have a check if you can clearly see and hear each other, present yourself and have a regular small talk.
Twenty four hours. Remember it - in your mind.
Our customers/buyers are the youth, those who we address through our online and offline presence
Without buyer personas we wouldn’t know what content to create, which material to share, how we should direct our marketing efforts or where we can improve our presence. They are the context of the narrative, the framework which houses our efforts. They are the compass which determines the direction of our journey and where we should be going.
Starting with landing on the or Facebook page until the departure from airport to enjoy the Global Volunteer experience.
In AIESEC it consist of five phases:
TL2VP | You are the FUTURE so be a good student and don't let your future be like 2020!
All the information about Visa Process you can find here:
There are 3 categories of EPs:
The ones that can travel to Moldova only with their Passport
The ones that will need visa to enter our country
The ones that will need visa and invitation issued by Bureau of Migration and Asylum (BMA) to enter our country.
Well, well you are here for a good reason because IR is now the essential way to reach your goals related to EPs and establishment of a better and easier way of communication with other entities.
Good question, your MCVP must share with you the list of IR Partners established for a certain period of time for each LC individually, when it comes to IR Partnerships the smartest way is to approach entities that have sent EPs to our entity already. Anyways another good practice can be approaching LCVPs that you personally know or are already in touch. It's recomended for a small entity not to have more than 3-5 IR partners because its not reasonable to have 20 IR partners when you need 20-30 EPs per term. My recomendations are to have 2 stable partners for Winter Peak and up to 5 for the Summer Peak.
IR groups
International Conferences
OMG, here you should be active as if you stop for a minute your feet burns, at International conferences there are a lot of people and if you REALLY want to find IR partners there you should make yourself known, make lots of friends and to start creating the needed bounds, there as well is going to be a group for the delegate where you can arrange meetings before the conference with the entities that you are interestend in.
Ask LCVPs for IR calls
In case there is no reply from the LCVP you can contact MCVPs OGV directly (get the contacts from the Global Contacts List wich will be attached down below), just mention that an X LCVP is not answering for Y days and wait for the MCVPs answer. Other reason to contact MCVPs is to ask them to recommend an LC to have LC-LC partnerships, mention that you want to have an LC2LC, describe shortly the projects and ask if there are any LCs from their entity that you can colaborate with.
Get to know each other
Talk about Attraction, Approvals and Realization Timelines
iGV Projects (Explain in details the whole structure of the project: eg. what is the preparation week about, which kind of trainings the EPs will receive, show the agenda, the most oGV knows in detail your project, the better they will sell it and persuade EPs to apply to Moldova)
EPs Requirements (eg. English level/ age/ skills)
EPs Selection Process ( eg. interview, video, short call) and you can agree that everytime you get an applicant from that LC iGV sends the name of EP in the chat with oGV and they send the contact to make the process faster.
Process time- show your times to process the EPs and agree that after Accepted EP has to sign contract in X days and get him Approved.
Value Delivery (How it will look like the delivery of each one of the 16 Standards (in the “LC-LC IR Tool” there is a tab for you to add it)
VISA Procedure (eg. if they need invitations/visa, when will you send it, etc)
Communication channels (eg. WhatsApp channels between teams)
OGX Promo (eg: Will them invest on FB Ads? Do they need templates, materials?)
Other benefits that can facilitate a better experience for all the sides and that will make the colaboration more efficient and precious.
Select Position/ Region/ Country/ Term of the person you are looking for and go get your IR Partner!
You have to mentain communication with your future IR Partner so your job is not done after the call, you should make a routine to get in touch with oGV once in a while, to check why there are no EPs coming for the LC X (ask if they are promoting the project), give feedback for EPs that were not accepted, keep in touch during the experience as well, you can create a common chat with the EPs and EPs managers from both sides to keep the transparency and of course to make a report at the end of the experience and to decide your further collaboration with LC X.
The most important in these partnerships is communication and onestity, you don't ignore your IR partner and you give them updates on everything that can change their expectations or EPs expectations.
Create a friendly atmosphere and you won't have to worry about how and what you say, be yourself and let the communication go with the flow.
First of all I hope you're not haveing the " What the FLAuck is an Enabler?", anyways, I'm gonna explain:
Enabler - the mot-a-mot definition for this will be someone or something that makes it possible for a particular thing to be done which makes totally sense to call an Opportunity taker - enabler, we need enablers for our projects because they can provide for us a place where the project will happen, they can provide participants and other benefits that can make our projects sustainable and affordable. It is basically a partner for which we organize the project.
EG. of Enablers : Schools, Univercities, Companies, Kindergardens, Startups etc.
Hmm, so what now, you know what is an Enabler but how do we get to have any? When choosing a project we must also think who can be the Opportunity takers, when you know what you are looking for it is easier to make the list, right?
Here's a whole PPT for you to understand better how to deal with Enablers:
Are you an Eabler Lover Now? The answer shall be "YES!"
Find the best way to post your Opportunity to make it more understandable and clear for both EPs and VPs and to make it easy view.
Chapter 1. What is Value Proposition ?
A value proposition refers to the value of an organisation, as AIESEC, and what it promises to deliver to the young people (customers). The main goal is that it tells why people should go in an exchange or choose one of our products (oGV, oGT or oGE).
A value proposition is also a declaration of intent or a statement that introduces a company's brand to consumers by telling them what the company stands for, how it operates, and why it deserves their business.
This statement, if worded right, convinces a potential consumer that one particular product or service the company offers will add more value or better solve a problem for them than other similar offerings will.
A successful brand shapes customers’ experiences by embedding the fundamental value proposition in offerings’ every feature. For BMW, “the Ultimate Driving Machine” is much more than a slogan; it informs the company’s manufacturing and design choices. In 2000, Mercedes-Benz introduced a system that automatically controls the distance between a Mercedes and the car in front. BMW would not consider developing such a feature unless it amplified rather than diminished the driving experience.
A company's value proposition tells a customer the number one reason why a product or service is best suited for that particular customer.
A successful value proposition should be communicated to customers directly, either via the company's web site or other marketing or advertising.
Value propositions can follow different formats, as long as they are "on brand" and unique and specific to the company in question.
The Central Market near Commercial Store UNIC is not related with the whole content that you will learn here.
Marketing is the process of getting people interested in your company's product or service. This happens through market research, analysis, and understanding your ideal customer's interests.
Good marketing helps customers, good marketing is a positive force in the World. “The other kind of marketing, the effective kind, is about understanding our customer’s world view and desires so we can connect with them”.
Bad marketing is about hype, about interrupting customers, about pressuring to do what you want them to do, about scamming the customer into buying a product they may not need or want.
A marketer is curious about other people, their struggles, their dreams, and their beliefs. The only way to make a difference is to truly see and understand the people you seek to influence.
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.
Present yourself, be friendly and confident, show your energy, share something funny, try to be recognizable so people can remember you later, aks if anyone is interesting in building LC2LC partnerships then you can discuss in PM with the intereste ones, keep being cool, i know you can
You can contact specific LCVPsfrom the countries that is recomended to you to work with for IR calls, present yourself and say that you are really interested in making a strong and cool partnership and that you have great opportunities , when they reply if they have an interest ask for the call and fix it on Google Calendar (you better do this, either way I'll find out )
QUIZ 1 -
QUIZ 2 -
QUIZ 3 -
Remember! In order for an AIESEC experience to be marked as completed, there are 16 standards that need to be fulfilled.
1. Outgoing Preparation Seminar
2. Health Insurance (Visa)
3. Personal Goal Setting
16.Debrief with home (Re-Integration Seminar)
To oGV or to oGV - this is the question...(technically the statement, but it looks fancy when you quote the man, William Shakespeare).
Outgoing Global Volunteer is one of the core departments in AIESEC as it is related to EXCHANGE. We are those who will make sure that the youth in our country will pick the best GV projects and will have an amazing experience in a foreign country. Global Volunteer is our newest program and it surged from the need of having shorter experiences (from 6 - 8 weeks) in the development sector.
In this journey after each two chapters you will have a quiz meant to help you understand what you got it and what you have still to work on. Good luck!
Main oGV Department tasks:
Process Sign-Ups
Interview the potential customers
Provide any information for the EP before, during and after the exchange experience
Deliver Exchange Standards
This term. This small word that you hear everywhere: influencers, start-ups and even in books! Why does it follow you everywhere? Let's find the mystery and end it once for ever, shall we?
Firstly, let's see what is the definition of "brand" in order to understand why Steve Jobs is pointing at you.
Let's see why branding is relevant for AIESEC as an organisation.
Next, you will find out what is our brand and how we embody it as AIESECers.
* Blue book is a guide that will help you understand lots of stuff like where to put the logo, which font we use in our organisation and how to enjoy the whole experience as a member of MKT department ;)
Starting with landing on the or Facebook page until the departure from airport to enjoy the Global Volunteer experience.
You have to know the MKT departments plays a huge role in the Attraction phase.
Almost the person who liked or shared our Facebook post. How can we make the "almost" disappear and get to know more people that will be interested in us?
A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer. It’s based on market research, actual data about your existing customers, and a few (educated) assumptions. It helps you to understand and relate to an audience that you want to market your products and services to.
Frankly speaking, our customers/buyers are the youth, those who we address through our online and offline presence.
Buyer personas are situated at the heart of any marketing strategy, and throughout every part of the Inbound process. If you can’t engage with your potential customers in a relevant and contextual manner, you will lose their trust and interest. Once you have lost someone’s trust and interest, it’s hard to get that back. (You can’t make a second first impression!)
But more so than anything else, buyer personas inform you of what your business should be doing to help potential customers. Without buyer personas we wouldn’t know what content to create, which material to share, how we should direct our marketing efforts or where we can improve our presence. They are the context of the narrative, the framework which houses our efforts. They are the compass which determines the direction of our journey and where we should be going.
Remember, the purpose the purpose of constructing buyer personas
is so that you know exactly who to attract, who you want to delight with your astoundingly good content and insight and, eventually, get on board with your business.
Lead nurturing is the automated process of sending personalized and relevant content to prospects and customers at every stage of their buying journeys.
Because lead nurturing campaigns are meant to communicate with each prospect and customer on an individual level, it’s essential for campaign content — emails, digital ads, direct mail, etc. — to be personalized.
By sending content that directly answers your audiences’ questions and relates to their needs, you can help solve their problems and lay the groundwork to offer solutions that result in sales and long-term customer relationships.
What do we promise our customers? Hopes? Dreams? Money? Usually, it is the first two words, but they way we implement it - it's magic.
A value proposition refers to the value a company promises to deliver to customers should they choose to buy their product. A value proposition is also a declaration of intent or a statement that introduces a company's brand to consumers by telling them what the company stands for, how it operates, and why it deserves their business.
A successful brand shapes customers’ experiences by embedding the fundamental value proposition in offerings’ every feature. For BMW, “the Ultimate Driving Machine” is much more than a slogan; it informs the company’s manufacturing and design choices. In 2000, Mercedes-Benz introduced a system that automatically controls the distance between a Mercedes and the car in front. BMW would not consider developing such a feature unless it amplified rather than diminished the driving experience.
This statement, if worded right, convinces a potential consumer that one particular product or service the company offers will add more value or better solve a problem for them than other similar offerings will.
A company's value proposition tells a customer the number one reason why a product or service is best suited for that particular customer.
A successful value proposition should be communicated to customers directly, either via the company's web site or other marketing or advertising.
Value propositions can follow different formats, as long as they are "on brand" and unique and specific to the company in question.
What do COPYWRITERS do? They copy what they write or they write what they copy? (huh?)
Guess whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
The words you are reading right now were written by a copywriter. And he/she can also make money by doing that, but that is not the point why you are reading this! He's/She is also very attractive, but that's not relevant at all here.
Copywriters are the handsome, good-smelling men and women who create fresh written content for advertising, marketing and descriptive texts. Copywriters can write more creative text, like ad jingles, taglines, and other creative copy, or more research-based copy, like a job description on a website.
Copywriters should know how to write for various mediums, such as print, web, radio and television. They have the ability to create compelling text that draws readers in, conveys a certain message or entertains.
Design, content marketing, SEO, and growth hacking are all parts of a complete digital marketing plan, but copywriting is the glue that ties it all together. Copy gives your design meaning and lays the foundation for your content marketing, SEO, and growth hacking. Writing better copy enables you to convert more readers into customers, and we wanted to provide a guide that would give you an advantage when writing copy both on and offline
And, to go with English language skills you’ll need the ability to spot errors in your own work. You’ll have to be your own proofreader and copy editor. All copy should be as error free as possible before being sent to the client.
A wide vocabulary is helpful. It’s great to have a wide variety of words to choose from, instead of the same hackneyed favorites. However, in some instances it is wise to stick to the tried and tested words – when wishing to achieve a powerful headline for instance.
In order to write convincing copy, you’ll have to find out about the product you’re selling. This means discovering its features, benefits and unique selling points. And, if you want to approach the campaign from a new angle, the more you know about the product the easier it’ll be to find one.
As a copywriter it’s vital to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the buyer. You must be able to persuade the customer that the product or service you are writing copy for is going to benefit them.
Knowing how to carry out research will be most helpful. Being able to use the internet will make that process quicker and easier. Having excellent research skills also applies to your communication with the client. Asking the right questions will allow you to understand the product or service inside out, which is vital if you want to sell it effectively.
HEADLINE (original)
LEAD (eye-catching)
BODY (to the point)
BACKGROUND (not very sentimental)
CALL TO ACTION (memorable)
Your journey in TM world starts here!
The TM department is responsible for our dear members. The role of Talent Management is predicting the outcomes, diagnosing problems and prescribing actions on the people side that will bring value to the organization.
TM is about getting, developing and keeping the right people in AIESEC to ensure achievement of the organizational goals. Main KPI's (Key Performance Indicator) therefore relate to how our entity/membership are achieving the organization’s goals in TM are of GET, Develop and Keep.
Because TM has a lot of freaking things to know, which you will learn during this NEC, below are the main things shortly to know.
Recruiting new members in AIESEC
Implementation of the motivation system in AIESEC
Development of members through human resources tools
Evaluation of members' performances
Evaluation of the level of involvement of the members in the organization
Making sure that members are achieving their goals
Goal setting for members
TM Process implementation
Tracking and Reporting of Membership Experience
Onboarding Tracking of New Members
Tracking the Team Standards implementation
To run the Rewards and Recognition System
Basic use of Google Sheets
Organization, attention to detail
Recruitment, selection and induction understanding
Good interaction with the members
We are present everywhere: online (Facebook, Instagram, Website) and offline (Info-desks, Class-shouts, Events).
While digital marketing has gotten more attention in recent decades, physical marketing, also known as traditional marketing, is still relevant and even necessary to running a good campaign.
Adobe Illustrator is used to create a variety of digital and printed images, including cartoons, charts, diagrams, graphs, logos, and illustrations.
Adobe Illustrator is also used in designing mock-ups which show what the website will look like when it's completed, and creating icons used within apps or websites. Here is the link to more detailed explained articles about how to use AI's features.
Here is the completely playlist for all the tutorials about Adobe Illustrator. But seriously, if you can google or youtube it you can find all types of instructions that you would need, and most important in common used languages: English, Russian, Thai, Chinese, English with Indian accent, ok, lame joke but you got the idea! :)
Social media can be very influential on society. It gives people a way to stay in touch with people who live far away, it let's people share fun, interesting and informative content.
You will understand the importance of Clarity of Who and how that shapes the membership journey.
You probably saw this topic many times already from inductions, conferences, MC sessions and so on, but what does it means the Clarity of Who? Well, for starters we need to understand that the “who” we see here comes from the Golden Circle. This kind of view stated becoming more necessary once the vision 2015 finished and we saw a need to clarify our own Golden Circle in AIESEC.
WHAT DOES IT MEANS: In the end of the day, if our why is not strong enough and doesn’t resonate with the membership, they will be working only for the sake of working and not because they truly know that what we do matters. This is what we base our culture , it’s the moving energy and what connects us all. In a sense, it is the reason of our existence and why we are relevant to the world.
We need to know who we need to be to achieve 2020.
WHAT DOES IT MEANS: How is our method of making the why possible, because there is no way that we can achieve our goal without a clear way of working over it. It’s our tools and processes which are ours and which deliver the best AIESECer experience to make the journey fruitful and relevant to all involved. If we don’t plan for it, we can’t say we are developing the leaders we believe the world needs.
WHO WE NEED TO HAVE IN THE ORGANIZATION? Inside the organization we will always have members and leaders which will live the experience and deliver it too, so we must have clear how our human capital can live a proper AIESEC experience to make it count for themselves and for our stakeholders too. We need to understand how, as TMers, we facilitate this process with the leadership body to give the chance for them to evolve while supporting the process if necessary. It’s important to note that the members’ experience depends a lot on the leader, so it’s not TM obligation to solve always all for them. We can help, support, give suggestions and for sure be there for them, but the growth process is done by the team because the experience depends 100% on them putting effort to it. Just do your best to prepare them and trust them to do it.
WHAT DOES IT MEANS: What do we do to make it possible? As TMers our what is done by delivering the TM processes and ensuring that our leaders deliver the Team Standards. The processes the area has is to ensure a clarity of our work (for us and for the network) and alignment in all entities, so while the delivery may vary depending of the reality there are minimums we all are expected to deliver. As for Team standards is how we see the needs of a leader to deliver to make better team experiences, however always have in mind quality over quantity (if you do 100% poorly is it really better than 50% well done?).
TM AND EXCHANGES To be able to enable young people to develop leadership as we promise we must ensure that our leaders know how to do it and that our members are ready to deliver the best experiences. If our members are not connected with AIESEC and don’t feel engaged, they will have poor team experiences and deliver awful experiences to our stakeholders. If our leaders are not ready or well supported to deliver great team experiences, they will not develop their leadership skills and we will lose members and future pipeline which affects AIESEC’s future.
We will revise what are GLEs, but especially what added value knowing how to select one over the other brings.
GLE is the possible environments that enable our members, team leaders and executive boards to learn competences, understand AIESEC values, and ultimately live the inner and outer journey and develop the leadership qualities. But… what’s the importance of getting to know them? Learning how to choose the right learning environment for the space you want to deliver will improve or lower the quality of your space. (ex. you wouldn’t want to practically train each member of your team in a O2O environment, or have a strictly personal conversation with a person in front of a whole plenary). The choice is based on the message standardization, reach and personal customization that you care to deliver.
Team Space It's a formal or informal space that happens with the team members and the team leader of the same team. The environment is related to anything that happens with a team, whenever there are all its components (members).
Team Meeting
EB meeting
Team Working Time
TL delivering a session to members
Functional VPs delivering a session to their own team of TLs
Members delivering a space for the team
Learning Circles This environment differs from the previous because the group doesn’t necessarily have to correspond to the team, and generally they don’t work together for quite as long. The learning circles are environments in which you are with a group of people bringing different perspectives to the discussion, that is not related exactly with the job you need to work in the end within your team.
Any group in the LC that is not just one team
Short-term assignments groups (ex. 2-weeks task-forces)
Group Reflections / Games
One to One Mentoring This environment is related to any space that involves two people only, one being the mentor, the other being the mentored person. It's a discussion guided by the mentor in order to help/improve the mentored in specific points (personal or professional). Normally, this space is guided by questions from the mentor to the mentored in order to help him/her to think and find his/her own conclusions.
Consultancy Spaces
Individual Tracking
Conferences and Seminars This environment is related to any conference or seminars, may it be local or national, in which a speaker is talking to a larger public.
National/International Conferences
Local Conferences
Functional Summits
LC meetings
Trainings delivered by Partners, AI, MC, EBs or any other bodies
Virtual Spaces This environment is related to any space delivered fully virtually and that does not correspond with any previous GLE (ex. an online team meeting is still GLE #1)
Functional or Management Academies
Self-Reflection This environment is related to any space that involves individual or group self-reflection.
LEAD Spaces
Time during a session to journal or write down thoughts
Letters to the future
Weird or not, but for a memorable video, first of all - you need a script.
When it comes a well shot-video you have to imagine it in your head.
SPOILER ALERT! It is pretty tough to bring the ideas into reality, but imagine also filming it. This is why, in order to sort your mind you need a paper or the notes in your phone. Write down all ideas that you got and how you are going to shot them, what types of angle you will use, how long it will take and what is the message behind all the work that you put out there.
KEEP YOUR CHIN UP, WE GOT YOUR BACK! Down below there is just a red line of basics when it comes to filming and editing. Feel free to discover this magic world by watching also other types of videos like that:
Make a script - what, where and how you are going to film.
Get to know the camera angles and the right way/order to use them.
Film your actors or just a simple bird flying outside with a camera or even your phone. Hey, director Steven Soderbergh shot his 2018 psychological horror-thriller movie Unsane entirely on iPhone. I bet you do not have any excuses right now.
Editing process. Side note: there are bunch of apps that will help you to edit videos, even lots for free, adapted for your phone. But we recommend to edit videos on a computer because you will see the whole picture with its details and you will enjoy the production process more. Adobe Premiere Pro is just the classic program used everywhere so it will be a good skill to know it and to put it on your CV when you would apply for a job. :)
Learn more about TM process and their implementation.
TM Process is one of the most important part in TM activity. If you are in the TM department you must know how the TM process is working, if it's the first time you see it, well it can seem that is very hard to understand them, but don't panic, read carefully the materials and you will understand that it's not something difficult.
TM Process contain 4 main part:
Below are the materials for each part.
Do you know what elements we have in our culture? Did you ever asked why we do it?
The AIESEC Way is how we develop leadership as AIESECers, so if it’s an experience with no focus and connections with all that, it’s not AIESEC. We can’t sell AIESEC like this if we don’t walk the talk, so if only one thing is to never change is it. Other than that, any adaptations are ok as long their keep our essence. Important: as TMers we are the guardians, but we strive to make it as a natural concept and not an obligation.
What is our organizational culture? The AIESEC Way gives a base of were we clarify our mindset and views, but the culture is more than that, it’s what was created during the 70+ years of the organization. Below we bring a few more explanations about organizational culture:
Organizational culture includes an organization’s expectations, experiences, philosophy, as well as the values that guide member behavior, and is expressed in member self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations. Culture is based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written and unwritten rules that have been developed over time and are considered valid (The Business Dictionary).
Culture also includes the organization’s vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits (Needle, 2004).
Simply stated, organizational culture is “the way things are done around here” (Deal & Kennedy, 2000).
Do you know what elements we have in our culture? Did you ever asked why we do it?
Inside AIESEC we have a few well known marks from our culture which are more spread and others that may be used or not depending of the entity. Below we put a few examples:
Roll Calls - It all started in an IC (International Conference) a many years ago, when a MC team had this bright idea: instead of raising hands when their names was called, they started to dance.
Sugar Cubes - You'll see in any AIESEC conference numberless envelopes with the name of everyone that is attending to that conference.We use them to write messages to the people we meet during the conference and, according to some entity traditions, you only open your envelope once you are back home to see all the messages.
Shouts - You'll see quite a lot of them depending of the entity.the famous shout “HEY AIESEC! Whats Up? How are you feeling!? Excellent! How are you f*cking/really feeling!? F*cking/Really excellent!” and even the OC/CC song “We love the OC/CC, we do! (x2) Oh OC/CC we love you! How much? This much!”. To summarize, we elements that are always existent and some that the entity can choose to do or not.
Signs - we use a lot of signs to make communication more effective and to not disturb others when we are speaking.
Elections Announcement - We always give chance for people to apply for different roles and it come with an extra: the water bucket (or being pushed to the pool in some entities).It’s a challenging process and not easy, so when you feel the water over you it’s a huge relief and excitement for a new journey to start.
What we want to bring with all that? Well, culture is a very strong moving force which unites people and support their engagement to keep working inside an organization, so of course it’s important for us to not just have clear our base (AIESEC Way), but guarantee that the culture will push it and make sense.
In a context were we have a crisis, is not uncommon to have people leaving things considered unimportant to the side (sometimes called “fluffy stuff”) and focusing in what they believe more relevant. From the Entrepreneur’s article we can take 3 interesting points for reflection about this matter:
“Who you are, as a company, is commonly called a brand. But in crisis it’s culture that really determines brand because culture will determine how you handle the crisis and ultimately how you are perceived and remembered by the public.”
“My definition of culture is simply this; “Culture is the prevailing mindset of any group or organization.” And it is mindset, not policy or training, that determines outcomes. Especially in crisis. Because when we’re in crisis our brain reverts to its oldest, most ingrained process, the “code” that’s running in the background all the time.”
“Mindset is not developed through rules or policies. It’s an inside-out change management process requiring the involvement of the neurological, mental, and emotional centers rather than being based only on sharing information. For a mindset to prevail in an organization the process must involve repetition and include enough of the leadership for it to affect daily decisions in hiring, customer service, and employee interactions.”
Get to know more about the recruitment process and how we actually recruit members in the organization.
Before participating in the recruitment process, you should know a several things about the recruitment process.
What we need to know before recruiting?
What is AIESEC?
What benefits does AIESEC offer to youths?
What is AIESEC?
Create 2.3 simple sentences in which you explain what AIESEC is to applicants. The terms used must be simple, understandable to all. Or you can use the script below:
AIESEC is a youth organization, present in over 125+ countries, including Moldova. We organize local and international projects, which aim to solve certain global problems (such as: quality education, poverty reduction, etc.). Also through these projects young people receive self-development and career guidance.
What benefits does AIESEC offer to youths?
Interaction with internationals
Improving English
Professional orientation
Local and International Community
Exchange opportunities
Practical -learning environment
AIESECer profile
General characteristics:
18 years old (or turns 18 in a maximum of 3 months)
Student (preferably year I, II) USM, ASEM, UTM, “Ion Creangă” Pedagogical University, CEEF, Alecu Russo etc
Middle level of English for Front Office
In the back office it is allowed with basic knowledge of English
Has free time, which he/she wants to invest somewhere
Global Citizen
Logical thinking
What do we want to know from the application form?
Motivation for volunteering and AIESEC
Plans for the future
Where did he/she find out about AIESEC
How do we analyze the application?
Read and prepare questions based on the answers
Writing feedback about the applicant at this stage
How do we contact applicants?
No more than 48 hours
We follow the structure of the call script
Call script
Introduce yourself
Mention that you are represent AIESEC in Chisinau
Ask if he/she knows about AIESEC, if needs more information, use the 2, 3 sentences set
Why did you apply in AIESEC?
We address the questions prepared based on the application:
Plans for the future
If he/she convinced you, then set the date and time of the interview
But if you need to think again or it's "No", then you say you will come back with an answer in 2 days.
Before the interview
Contact the applicant at least two hours in advance to make sure he / she will come (if he / she does not respond, leave a message).
Have the set of general and technical questions at hand
Make sure the room where you are interviewing is clean
Dress appropriately
Set some rules with the observer to work more efficiently
During the interview
Show the applicant where he can put his/her clothes
Ask how he/she got there, how he/she feels, etc.
Tell him/her how long the interview will take 20-30 minutes
Explain that the interview will be a light discussion between you and him / her in which he / she will get to know you and find out more about AIESEC.
In case you need to record the interview, first notify the applicant and explain why you are doing this.
Introduce yourself and the assistant who will be with you during the interview, explain why it is a second person (for transparency, so you can consult)
Ask general questions and then the technical questions
What is the purpose of general questions? We try to understand: the values, interests, behavior and competences.
What is the purpose of technical questions? The applicant does not know anything about the departmental structure we have, so you will have to explain. For this you will have at your disposal Team Member JD, where they where you will find information for each department:
The role
Benefits (skills, opportunities)
Ask questions from all departments, and see where it fits better.
Rules for Interview
Don't ask questions that are repeated in the form, only if you want to concretize something
Don't ask multiple questions at once
Ask open-ended questions (which don't just allow yes / no answers)
Use AIESEC examples when asking situational questions
Must do during the interview
Tell what AIESEC do (projects, conferences, exchange etc)
Ask some questions in English in order to check the level of English of the applicant
Tell them about LTS/NTS and how important is it
Ask at the end if he/she has any questions
Mail Feedback
Emails are sent at each stage of recruitment:
If he/she has been accepted for the next stage, send him an email with an invitation
If he/she has been rejected, send him an email informing him of the decision and the reason why he was not accepted.
Don't talk more than the applicant
Keep continuity in the work you do (what you start, take to the end)
Keep confidential between you and the applicant
Always give arguments / feedback to the decisions you make
Responsibility and commitment
You will understand the overview and the importance of Team Standards and how you implement Team Standards effectively.
What are the phases a team goes through? Which Team Standards are required in each phase?
Whose responsibility is it to implement Team Standards? It is every Team Leader’s responsibility to deliver Team Standards for their Members. Talent Management empowers Team Leaders to deliver it, and assesses the implementation across teams and functions.
Who is a Team Leader? So now, Team Leaders are not only Middle Managers.
They are TLs who lead members
They are OCPs who lead the OCVPs
They are LCVPs who lead Middle Managers
They are LCPs who lead LCVPs
They are MCVPs who lead LCVPs* and NST (National Support Team)
They are MCPs who lead MCVPs and LCPs*
Please find more information about Team Standards in the file below.