To oGV or to oGV - this is the question...(technically the statement, but it looks fancy when you quote the man, William Shakespeare).
Outgoing Global Volunteer is one of the core departments in AIESEC as it is related to EXCHANGE. We are those who will make sure that the youth in our country will pick the best GV projects and will have an amazing experience in a foreign country. Global Volunteer is our newest program and it surged from the need of having shorter experiences (from 6 - 8 weeks) in the development sector.
In this journey after each two chapters you will have a quiz meant to help you understand what you got it and what you have still to work on. Good luck!
Main oGV Department tasks:
Process Sign-Ups
Interview the potential customers
Provide any information for the EP before, during and after the exchange experience
Deliver Exchange Standards
Our customers/buyers are the youth, those who we address through our online and offline presence
Without buyer personas we wouldn’t know what content to create, which material to share, how we should direct our marketing efforts or where we can improve our presence. They are the context of the narrative, the framework which houses our efforts. They are the compass which determines the direction of our journey and where we should be going.
Starting with landing on the https://aiesec.md/ or Facebook page until the departure from airport to enjoy the Global Volunteer experience.
In AIESEC it consist of five phases:
Chapter 1. What is Value Proposition ?
A value proposition refers to the value of an organisation, as AIESEC, and what it promises to deliver to the young people (customers). The main goal is that it tells why people should go in an exchange or choose one of our products (oGV, oGT or oGE).
A value proposition is also a declaration of intent or a statement that introduces a company's brand to consumers by telling them what the company stands for, how it operates, and why it deserves their business.
This statement, if worded right, convinces a potential consumer that one particular product or service the company offers will add more value or better solve a problem for them than other similar offerings will.
A successful brand shapes customers’ experiences by embedding the fundamental value proposition in offerings’ every feature. For BMW, “the Ultimate Driving Machine” is much more than a slogan; it informs the company’s manufacturing and design choices. In 2000, Mercedes-Benz introduced a system that automatically controls the distance between a Mercedes and the car in front. BMW would not consider developing such a feature unless it amplified rather than diminished the driving experience.
A company's value proposition tells a customer the number one reason why a product or service is best suited for that particular customer.
A successful value proposition should be communicated to customers directly, either via the company's web site or other marketing or advertising.
Value propositions can follow different formats, as long as they are "on brand" and unique and specific to the company in question.
Twenty four hours. Remember it - in your mind.
Remember! In order for an AIESEC experience to be marked as completed, there are 16 standards that need to be fulfilled.
1. Outgoing Preparation Seminar
2. Health Insurance (Visa)
3. Personal Goal Setting
16.Debrief with home (Re-Integration Seminar)
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.