The National Structure and Opportunities
Learn about the AIESEC structure and what opportunities you can find inside the organization.
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Learn about the AIESEC structure and what opportunities you can find inside the organization.
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Welcome! At this module you will understand how the organization is structured and works, and also what opportunities you have inside the entity. Learn how you can grow inside the organization and achieve your personal goals and become PAI. Let's get started!
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Before you start learning about our National Structure, first you should get a general understanding about international structure and how it is connected with everything. Let's start from the top:
AIESEC International (AI) is the global executive board and is responsible for the whole AIESEC network. The main things which AI is working on are strategy and direction for the network. They are monitoring the activity of all entities and making sure that AIESEC is staying true to its way (you know: the AIESEC Way). The AI team is not working directly with the MC teams, because the teams responsible for that are the ROs (Regional Office).
Regional Office
AIESEC is divided into 4 regions: America, Europe, Asia Pacific and MEA (Middle East and Africa). Each region have their own Regional Office, which are teams who are responsible for their regions. What ar this team responsibilities? you might ask, well, read on to find out:
MCP Coaching
Entity support (visits, strategy directions help)
Network management
Organization of regional conferences (like RPM, EuroXpro and Operation Summits)
All in all, these teams are helping entities in their regions to grow and achieve better results while reporting to the AI team.
Member Committee (or MC) is the national executive board, and also the team that's writing the article you're reading now, hello, BTW! The MC team is leading the entity (in this case AIESEC in Moldova) and it has the following responsibilities:
creating the national strategy for the term
down-scaling the strategic direction of the organization that is both coming from the international level and the national level
make sure that all LCs are aligned to it and are following the aforementioned strategy
coaching LCs and their EB members
international (conferences, reporting [that happens waaay more often than you would think]) and national representation (at both local conferences and national events)
monitoring and improving the performance of the entity's members
for more information about what the MC is doing you could contact your MCVP and ask, I'm sure he/she would be very glad to tell you about their job and complain how hard it is.
Local Committee
Executive Board (EB) team has the responsibility to lead the LC and downscale the implementation of the national strategy while coming up with ways to improve the LC. The EB consist of the LCP and LCVPs for each department in the LC.
The Team Leaders (TL) are the middle management of organization. They lead a team within a department and are responsible for these members' performance.
Team Member (TM) - this is you, most likely (if we're to go to statistical analysis). Here is where you start your AIESEC journey, when you join the organization: you become a Team Member in one of the department and you are part of team who is being led by an LCVP.
Great, I'm glad you've made it this far! After you got familiar with the structure of the organization and will now never mistake and understand what MC and AI is, we can move forward to the opportunities and jobs which you can have inside the organization.
A member who takes the responsibility of introducing the AIESEC culture to a group of new members. The buddy helps them adapt during their first AIESECer weeks and make sure that their induction in the organization is going well.
To be read as jäbyo͞olets (job you lets). A small event that doesn’t require a lot of time for the preparations and/or a lot of experience from the people in charge. It is the perfect opportunity for new members to start their AIESEC journey by accepting their first responsibilities. So next time you see Jobuleț - your job is to apply for it.
Most of the events organized by AIESEC have an Organizing Committee (OC for short) which make sure that the event is a success.
OCVP - A member of the Organizing Committee usually responsible for a specific area (ex: finance, marketing, sales, etc) inside the project or conference that the OC is in charge for.
OCP - The person in charge of a certain project, conference or event who is responsible for leading the Organizing Committee and ensuring that the team achieves its goals.
Coordinator. A position within the department that comes with a set of specific responsibilities established by the VP. Coordinators don’t lead a team, thus it does not provide a leadership experience, although it is a great opportunity to learn and understand better the activity of the department.
Team Leader. The person that leads a team inside a department for a period of at least 3 months and is directly responsible for these members’ performance.
LTS. An induction conference that normally takes place some weeks after the recruitment in order to help new members get more familiar with the organization, understand better its mission, history, and values, but also for the entire Local Committee to come together and build a stronger network.
NTS. An induction conference that has a similar concept like the LTS, only it brings together all the Local Committees of the entity and is organized under the guidance of the MC.
LTT internship. This is a six-week training program organized by the Local Trainers Team that aims to develop our members’ public speaking and presentation skills. Completing successfully LTT internship is the first step for being eligible to join LTT.
TtTO. A conference that normally takes 2 days of advanced sessions that cover many aspects of training delivery, designed for those members who attended LTT internship and intend to become trainers.
Election. The process that involves bringing the full members together for them to evaluate a person’s candidature for a certain position and vote according to their judgment.
Legislative meeting. The meeting that happens every 3 months where the EB members report on their activity and present the planning for the following quarter. The legislative meeting provides a space for all the full members to propose and discuss motions regarding changes in the legislation and to vote for members that presented their intention of becoming full members.
Full member. A member who has the right to vote during elections and is eligible to apply for a EB position. To become a full member you have to fill all the requirements mentioned in the local compendium and get enough votes during a legislative meeting.
LTT member. A member who is simultaneously part of a department and in the Local Trainers Team, which means they have to deliver sessions, trainings and facilitate activities when needed.
Censor. An ex-member chosen to monitor the activity of the organization from the legal perspective.
Global Volunteer One of the AIESEC’s products that involves volunteering abroad for 6-8 weeks, the main purpose being to bring impact and experience a new challenging environment.
Alumnus. An ex-member can receive this title for meaningful achievements in the organization during his/her experience.
LCVP. The leader of a department in the LC and member of the Executive Board whose responsibility is to lead his department and implement its strategy for the term.
LTTC. A member of the Executive Board that is responsible for ensuring the learning environment in the LC by assessing the educational needs of the members and delivering this knowledge together with the Local Trainers Team.
LCP. The person who leads the Local Committee and manages the EB team, ensuring the members’ development. The LCP is also the external and legal representative of the organization.
MCVP. A member of the MC team that is responsible for a specific area and that leads the national commission of LCVPs for his/her area.
MCP. The person who leads the Member Committee and has the responsibility of down-scaling the strategic view of the organization and leading the LCP commission.
Congratulations you are at the end of the National Structure and Opportunities module. Now you have one more step to finish this module: time to pass this quiz! Are you ready?
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