Visa process in iGV
Visa process in iGV
1. The Interview
During the interview or immediately after he/she is accepted the EP should be announced about the visa process, if he/she needs invitation or/and visa.
List of countries whose citizens require invitations for obtaining an entry visa to the Republic of Moldova
Resortisanții statelor:
Republica Islamică Afganistan
Republica Algeriană Democratică şi Populară
Republica Populară Bangladesh
Burkina Faso
Republica Camerun
Republica Ciad
Republica Congo
Republica Democratică Congo
Republica Coasta de Fildeş
Republica Populară Democratică Coreeană (Coreea de Nord)
Republica Arabă Egipt
Statul Eritreea
Republica Ghana
Republica Indonezia
Regatul Haşemit al Iordaniei
Republica Islamică Iran
Republica Irak
Republica Libaneză
Republica Liberia
Republica Mali
Republica Islamică Mauritania
Regatul Maroc
Republica Federală Nigeria
Republica Niger
Republica Islamică Pakistan
Republica Sierra Leone
Republica Federală Somalia
Republica Sudan
Republica Arabă Siriană
Republica Tunisiană
Republica Yemen
Republica Sudanul de Sud
2. The Invitation
If the EP needs invitation, we need to apply for it at the Bureau of immigration and asylum of Moldova. The invitation comes in 10-15 working days. For this the EP should send us the following documents:
A copy of your passport (plus a copy of the visas or exits from your country if you have any)
A confirmation that you are a student (a copy of your degree if you finished studies)
A bank account extract (to prove that you have the necessary resources to live during your stay in Moldova) in Eglish, at least 1000€ on it or to ensure that he/she has 30€ for each day of stay, Ex: 30x45 days=1350 EURO. Do it at the end. Because it is valid just 10 days.
Confirmation letter from Vice President oGV (to prove that you passed AIESEC selection process, we send you an example)
Acceptance note (this is more for us, to be sure that are coming, we send you the template)
Copy of your volunteering certificates (if you have any)
We send the EP the following message:
The visa process has two parts, getting an invitation and applying for the visa itself, which you will do online. First, you need an invitation from Migration Office for applying for visa. For this you need to send us a copy of your passport (plus a copy of the visas or exits from your country if you have any), a copy of the confirmation that you're a student and a copy of your bank account extract (to prove that you have the necessary resources to live during your stay in Moldova,if you don't have one, use your parent's one,plus a copy of their passport or a letter that they agree to give you money),and a copy of the confirmation from Vice President OGX to confirm that you passed AIESEC selection(I will send you an example of it), acceptance note (I will email the template for you to complete it), Copy of your volunteering certificates (if you have any) We apply for invitation and wait at least 10 working days for getting it and then comes application for visa, which you will do online on this link: So please send us the documents as fast as possible because as you can see the process takes some time, so we have to assure that you will get your visa before the project starts.
If the EP has the resident’s permit or valid Visa issued by one member state of the European Union or of the States Parties to the Schengen Agreement he doesn’t need an invitation.
4. Invitation
Documents needed to apply for invitation: (For VP ICX or LCP)
Demers de solicitare;
Demers pentru eliberarea vizei;
Scan al pașaportului invitatului + toate vizele sau ieșirile din țară pe care le are;
Extrasul bancar al EPului (dacă el nu-l are prezentam extrasul bancar al @);
Confimarea a faptului ca e student;
Confirmation Letter de la EP manager;
Acceptance note;
Copia certificatelor de voluntariat;
Angajament de cazare (booking la un hotel);
Copia certificatului de înregistrare a organizației;
Copia extrasului privind faptul că tu ești președinte;
Un document în care scrii toate activitățile pe care le va avea el aici și el subsemnează; (timed JD)
Buletinul președintelui
Buletinul persoanei ce aplica
Procura din partea președintelui pe numele persoanei de depune documentele
90 lei
5. VISA application process
After we get the invitation we scan it and send to the EP. With the code from the invitation he applies for the visa at the following link: . After this a code comes to his email and with that code he applies for visa.
Additional documents the EP will need for the visa application:
A photo
Travel document (passport) issued in the past 10 years, valid for at least 3 months beyond the intended date of leaving the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
Medical insurance (minimum cover of 30.000 euro)
Travel tickets both ways
Accomoddation proof (here you complete Anexa 3)
Bank account extract (at least 30 EUR per day)
Invitation issued by the Bureau for Migration and Asylum or, the resident’s permit or valid Visa issued by one member state of the European Union or of States Parties to the Schengen Agreement
List of foreigners who are obliged to possess VISA for Republic of Moldova
5. If the EP needs only visa, he/she can apply by the following link:
6. Some useful information about visa:
Visa type: Type C ; Number of entries: 1, Period of time: 50 days, In the visa application put the same contacts for accommodation as in the Anexa 3 (Confirmare de cazare), check every information the EP introduced, also be very attentive at the documents, the photo and other copies should be clear, the information should be readable, if it is written with a different alphabet it should be translated in english too.
Very important: If the EP was refused, you call at the Ministry of External Affairs and ask for the reason, after you find the reason you make necessary changes and the EP can apply again without paying!! (when he is at the page for paying, he should choose another option, for example that he has a diplomatic passport, after this, in the first field for documents he should upload the bill for paying last time he applied.)
For any questions about the visa (why the EP was refused, if you need the visa to be open faster etc.) call this number: 0 22 201046- Relatii cu publicul MAEIE or (+373 22) 788 722 (Centrul de Apel / Relaţii cu Publicul) 0 800-90-990 (apel gratuit doar de pe număr fix din RM)
Necessary documents foreigner should present at border crossing point:
- a printed eVisa;
- a travel document (passport);
- a copy of the invitation, as well as other supporting documents according the purpose of the visit;
- medical health insurance for the period of stay in the Republic of Moldova.
Wish you good luck!
Last updated