They call me Master
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This could be you using EXPA while chilling on a vacation this summer, but in 2020 you should #stayhome
Who is an Opportunity manager? It is the person that is responsible for a certain opportunity and has to manage all the applications, send Emails, delegate tasks and interviews so basically the Opportunity manager is your VP or TL. As an OPP Manager you have acces to all the EPs application for that opportunity, which means that you can see this persons CV, details, name, but you don't have other personal datas and the EP's email is encrypted.
This is the firs page you see when you open EXPA, if you want to see the Opportunities you manage, you go from the Dashboard to Opportunities ( the globe)
Here are some of the Opportunities that i manage and I have acces too, as you can see you can select your OPPs to be arranged by date, status, Product committee etc., also you can chose what you wanna see about your OPP, for example my selection is: OPP ID, Title, Organization, Status (For an OPP ther are three statuses: OPEN, Draft, Removed), Managers, Applicant Count, Close Date. You can select this by chosing what is the information you need to see everytime you check this page:
If you click on Applicants count, this is the page you'll be directed to, here you have more information about the OPP, you can edit it you can look for information about EP's, NPS, Standards and Satisfaction and others:
Let's Get closer to an EP profile:
This is one of our EPs from Summer 2019 and here you have access to all the information you may need about an applicant. But what about the EPs that have to be contacted? Right bellow the name you have the encrypted email and you copy that and send him the "Invitation to interview"
Here you can find the mail template that we use to contact the EPs:
Don't forget about the Signature at the end of your Email:
In case you've got a response and you have the contacts of the EP you send them to One member with all the needed Information, after the interview the member decides if the EP is Accepted or Rejected and according to this you change the EP status on EXPA:
In case you ACCEPTED the EP the next step is APPROVAL that can happen only after signing the contract with Home Entity and sending to us his Acceptance Note (you can find the AN in the iGV Approval Tracking Tool)
If you want to reject the EP, on EXPA there are several reasons of rejection and you have to chose the one that is closer to your case:
Other options different from the picture are: Position is filled, Problem with the timeline or Realization Date, Project is canceled, Required citizenship not matching, Skills are not suitable, The Background is not suitable.
Learn why is important to process EPs in a shorter time.
This is not everything I could share with you about EXPA but now you know the essentials as a future TL, don't hesitate to ask about something you dont know or understand, I promise its easier than it seems and your TL, VP and even MCVP will be glad to answer your questions!
Oh boy, Tools again!
Now that you know how to use EXPA you need to track your interviews and EPs with this Tool, there you have the Dashboard, questions, projects, AN, list of countries that need Visa or invitation and much more.
You send the Searchtool to other entities which EPs are interested in our country so they can see what projects we run and promote them to their EP's
Provide quarterly reports to the entity plenary at national conferences with recommendations on ethical issues related to the entity and local committees as well as brief updates on activities of the body
Provide consultations upon request in regards to XPP and ER Principles to all LCs and EPs
Conduct physical or virtual audit to local committees in order to ensure all operations are run in accordance with the XPP
Entity Control Board (ECB) is an entity controlling body working arbitrating cases of exchange standards and solving the problems that may apear during exchanges.
ECB is the last decision making body on national level in regards to Exchange policies and entity standard regulation principles. A division, working directly with its MC, ICB & GFB to ensure that the best Standard and Customer Experience is delivered to every customer and stakeholder in each entity.
The purpose of ECB is to make the entity more customer centric and ensure leadership development by fulfilling standards in every AIESEC product.
In this section we are going to talk about all the activities that you have to do and to know as a TL/Opportunity Manager or Oldie, this activities involves EXPA usage, Mail Usage, Communication Skills and Task Delegation. In case you plan to apply as TL, you're an oldie that wants to know how everything works or just a "I wanna know it all" member then stay with me .
How do I acces EXPA as a newie in AIESEc - you register on and then you ask your VP/TL/ VP TM to add you in the structere by giving them the email you registered with on, once you've been added you'll recieve a mail from AIESEC and you will be able to acces EXPA! HOOOORAAAAYYY! Then you can go and create your AIESEC mail which will give you 32 GB of space on drive , twice more than with an usual email, use your space wisely, we've got a lot of tools.