All you need to know about the Local Trainers Team.
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All you need to know about the Local Trainers Team.
Last updated
We stand for „Learning Things Together”!
The Local Trainers Team is one of the things that make our LC unique in the whole AIESEC network. This is (surprisingly) a team that is responsible for the learning process in the organization and aims to improve the experience of the members. In collaboration with TM, they establish the needs of the Committee regarding education and try to deliver the required information in the most accessible way for it's people.
LTT’s main activities:
Preparation Weekend - A set of induction trainings for the new members to accustom them with the AIESEC culture, vision and history;
Team Buildings - Educative group activities that aim to improve the bonding between members and their ability to work in groups;
LTT internship - A 6 week training program for those that want to improve their public speaking and delivery skills;
Train the Trainers in the office - A two-day conference with advanced trainings on delivery skills for those who want to become trainers;
iLearns - Short learning points during LC meetings that can cover any interesting topic or useful skills.
LTT structure
LTT is managed by the Local Trainers Team Coordinator, that is also an Executive Board member. To become part of the team, an AIESEC member must pass an exam, which implies delivering a training in front of the team and being evaluated according to some specific criteria. Members from any department are eligible to take this exam, but it is mandatory for them to pass LTT internship and attend a TtTO conference.
The most important thing about the Trainers Team is that there are no ex-members. Once in LTT - forever in LTT.